Faculty Showcase 2022

Faculty Showcase 2022

🕘  OCT 28 2022, 9AM-3PM  📍 Lakeside Village Expo Center

Learning Innovation and Faculty Engagement and UM's Platform for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (PETAL) are delighted to announce the eighth annual Faculty Showcase. The Faculty Showcase is the University of Miami’s teaching and learning conferencean annual gathering where faculty share, network, and discover the ways in which their colleagues are enriching student experiences through innovative pedagogies and learning technologies. Led by faculty for faculty, this conference aims to support faculty development and enhance student learning.

This year, we are excited to host the Faculty Showcase in person! The event will take place at the Lakeside Village Expo Center on Friday, October 28 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

View the 2022 Showcase Schedule

🚗  Parking and Transport: Parking is available for UM faculty and staff who have a valid parking pass for the Coral Gables campus. Metered parking is available in Pavia parking garage (view campus map).

💻  Technologies and More: Some sessions may require the use of a personal device or preparing for a hands-on workshop. 

🍽  Food: Breakfast, lunch, and refreshments are provided throughout the day.


Event Information


Event Information

Agenda Overview

View the 2022 Showcase Schedule

  • 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.: Check-In & Breakfast
  • 9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.: Welcome
  • 9:45 a.m. - 10:25 a.m.: Keynote Speakers
  • 10:35 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.: Learning Circles
  • 12:15 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.: Lunch
  • 1:05 p.m. - 1:55 p.m.: Advancing Educational Innovation at the University of Miami
  • 1:55 p.m. - 2:05 p.m.: Closing Remarks
  • 2:05 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.: Networking

👥 Keynote Speakers

Cultivating Equitable Learning Environments through Inclusive Teaching

Dr. Kelly Hogan and Dr. Viji Sathy


An interactive keynote to explore inequities and diversity in the classroom. Participants are provided a framework around inclusive teaching and examples of how using this framework can reduce inequities. Professors Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy of the University of North Carolina will discuss and model some techniques in real-time. 

Speaker Bios

Dr. Kelly Hogan (she/her/hers) and Dr. Viji Sathy (she/her/hers) are both award-winning instructors with a combined 25+ years in the classroom at the University of North Carolina. They are passionate about student success, equity, and inclusion in the classroom. They have expertise in inclusive techniques and active learning in any size crowd because both teach courses routinely with hundreds of students. On their campus, they lead innovative classroom and diversity administrative initiatives that benefit all students, faculty, and staff. 

Twitter: @vijisathy @DrMrsKellyHogan #inclusiveteaching #inclusiveclassrooms

💬 Learning Circles

Learning Circles are designed for small group discussions of specialized topics, with the presenter leading the discussion. Several roundtable discussions happen concurrently, where presenters will lead three 30-minute repeat discussions, enabling attendees to visit up to three tables during the entire session.

Topics and Presenters are listed at the bottom of this webpage.

💡Advancing Educational Innovation at the University of Miami

In our featured panel session, you’ll learn how faculty members across the University are advancing the cause of the institution's teaching mission through pedagogical innovation, interdisciplinary collaboration, and cutting-edge technology.

Topics and Presenters

  • Kathi Kern, Vice Provost for Educational Innovation (Moderator)
  • William Green, Professor, Religious Studies and Fain Family Endowed Chair in Judaic Studies
  • Derin Ural, Professor in Practice, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering; Associate Dean of Student Affairs, College of Engineering
  • Sharanya Majumdar, Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences; Co-Director, Climate Resilience Academy

Learning Circle Sessions

Click to learn more about each session!

Accordion Group

Open All Tabs
  • Circle #1 Psychotherapeutic Dance Movement: Reflective understanding through theory and practice

    Circle # 1 Psychotherapeutic Dance Movement: Reflective understanding through theory and practice

    Carol Kaminsky, Sr. Lecturer, and Dance Program Coordinator; Jorge Morejon, Lecturer; Nicole Perry, Lecturer -(Dance Program at Frost School of Music)

     This presentation focuses on courses in dance therapy which provide a unique opportunity for students to learn how art-based expression, communication, and engagement is therapeutic for people coping with various developmental, physical, and psychological impairments. Topics in this course examine the concerns relevant to college students, body image, stress reduction, self-care, peer acceptance, and identity. Presenters will discuss how lessons bridge understanding of theory and practice in dance therapy with self-awareness. They will show videos of student work that explore personal and cultural assumptions and messages about bodies and embodiment through solo and group movement and personal reflection.


  • Circle #2 Jumpstarting discussion on the topics of group projects

    Circle #2 Jumpstarting discussion on the topics of group projects

    Dina Moulioukova, Lecturer and Asst. Director of Global Security Initiative, Geography and Sustainable Development

    "Global Issues & Filmmaking: A Transdisciplinary Approach," is a course where students are exposed to and challenged to better analyze critical global issues (e.g. climate change, human security, globalization, etc.). This course is co-taught with Ali Habashi and uses a variety of teaching methods such as the Harkness style, case studies, and problem-based learning. Students throughout the semester complete a variety of assignments including a co-constructed research paper, a 1-minute film trailer, and student-led discussions leading to the production of short documentary films. The objective of the session is to demonstrate how to jumpstart discussion on potential topics of group projects and encourage student agency.

  • Circle #3 DynaFlip - A Modern Teaching and Learning Approach that boosts Student Retention and Engagement

    Circle #3 DynaFlip - A Modern Teaching and Learning Approach that boosts Student Retention and Engagement

    Hien Nguyen, Lecturer, Computer Science

    DynaFlip is a modern approach to teaching and learning that creates a fun, dynamic learning environment in traditional face-to-face classrooms by promoting active learning and offers constant access to resources via mobile devices. The DynaFlip method promotes in-demand soft skills including critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication. Through technology, we can foster lifelong learning and empower students by maximizing engagement through a fast, effective, and accessible learning modality.

  • Circle #4 "Climate Resilience- A Multifaceted Approach", An innovative interdisciplinary course on Climate Resilience

    Circle #4 "Climate Resilience- A Multifaceted Approach", An innovative interdisciplinary course on Climate Resilience

    Ali Habashi, Asst. Prof. of Practice, Cinematic Arts

    The University of Miami Climate Resilience Academy is offering its first cross-disciplinary course focused on climate resilience and taught by a variety of key faculty members from across the institution. The class is utilizing a flipped learning methodology, where the content is taught through a series of cinematically produced lectures filmed across South Florida’s landscape. Students work in groups in problem-driven and discussion-based in-person classes each week using a design thinking approach. This critical thinking process helps students collaborate to narrow the problem, and then navigate through a list of ideas into the most impactful interventions, considering various stakeholders and even project unintended consequences. 

  • Circle #5 Using ARG and Persistent Simulations in Pre-Service Teacher Training

    Circle #5 Using ARG and Persistent Simulations in Pre-Service Teacher Training

    Corin Overland, Assoc. Prof. in Practice, Vocal Performance

    Alternate Reality Games (ARG) are a form of immersive entertainment that allows participants to interact with simulated characters and environments using real-world modes of communication. Typical applications require participants to solve problems and puzzles by engaging with improvisational actors posing as in-game characters using email, voice, video, and live interactions. This model has been adapted for use in pre-service teacher training. Pre-service teachers are presented with common managerial problems in a simulated "school," and must develop and enact solutions by communicating with live actors posing as parents, administrators, and individual students.


  • Circle #6 The Interesting, Innovative, and Active Classroom

    Circle #6 The Interesting, Innovative, and Active Classroom

    Sarah Cash, Lecturer, Writing Studies

    We have all experienced issues with student attention and interest levels in class. Technology, while helpful in different contexts, can distract and turn student attention to many things other than the classroom experience. I have experimented with different innovative methods and in this session, I will discuss several modes that have proven useful, including group workbooks, social annotation, and in-class polls. I have found that different iterations of these methods have been effective in increasing attention and full-class participation. All methods discussed have been implemented in fully virtual, hybrid, and face-to-face class settings.

  • Circle #7 Developing Augmented Reality for the classroom, making the invisible visible

    Circle #7 Developing Augmented Reality for the classroom, making the invisible visible

    Diana Arboleda, Sr. Lecturer, and Structural Engineering and Director Robotics in Education; James Giancaspro, Assoc. Professor and Graduate Program Director -(Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering)

    In this session, we will discuss an NSF-funded project to bring augmented reality components to an engineering class. How/why the idea was generated, the logistics of app development and deployment, the student experience, and a video demonstration.

  • Circle #8 How Simulated Participants Could Enrich Your Educational Goals

    Circle #8 How Simulated Participants Could Enrich Your Educational Goals

    Samantha Syms, Director of Professional Programs; Michelle Fernandez, Program Coordinator; Amanda Fernandez-Acosta, Standardized Patient; Nicholas Gonzalez, Standardized Patient; Honor Jackson, Standardized Patient -(MSOM)

    Simulated participants (SPs) may be used for various educational purposes to teach through experiential learning methods. SPs are trained to portray realistic scenarios in a safe, simulated environment. In medicine, learners interact with SPs through formative practice to learn and reflect on their experience during recorded sessions. SPs are also utilized to assess and evaluate learners’ empathy and communication skills. SPs can now be found in areas such as Music Education and can be expanded to other non-healthcare-related areas such as law, business, education, etc. Our program will offer suggestions on how best to implement the use of SP methodology.

  • Circle #9 Using AR for neurosurgical oncology intraoperative guidance and annotation

    Circle #9 Using AR for neurosurgical oncology intraoperative guidance and annotation

    Michael Ivan, Assoc. Prof. of Clinical, MSOM 

    University of Miami Department of Neurosurgery, in collaboration with the Department of Engineering and the University of Miami Information Technology, is developing the first Surgical Oncology Augmented Reality Platform for tumor margin detection called TUMOR-NET. This platform will allow a surgeon to visualize a holographic representation of the tumor boundaries during surgery via a head-mounted display to improve the extent of resection. TUMOR-NET uses both preoperative imaging as well as real-time instantaneous intraoperative pathology to verify that a maximal safe tumor resection has been achieved.

  • Circle #10 100,000+ Streaming Videos

    Circle #10 100,000+ Streaming Videos

    Terri Robar, Librarian Assoc. Professor, UM Libraries

    In recent years, faculty from across UM have fallen in love with using streaming video both in class and as homework assignments. Still, some do not realize that the UM Libraries offer access to over 100,000 videos. This session will showcase the primary streaming systems that we offer as well as discuss the options available for other films on request.

  • Circle #11 Sustainability in the Classroom

    Circle #11 Sustainability in the Classroom

    Justin Stoler, Assoc. Professor, Geography and Sustainable Development; Teddy Lhoutellier, Manager, Sustainability

    Introduction to the SUST attribute and the different majors and minors focused on sustainability; an example of course syllabi focused on sustainability at UM and other institutions; pedagogical collaboration opportunities at the Department of Geography and Sustainable Development, the Abess Center, and Business School; introduction to STARS, its academic credits, and focus on the Sustainability Literacy Survey; the proposed Sustainability Scholars program; sustainability in the context of the Climate Resilience Academy; focus on the Sustainability Living Lab on campus.

  • Circle #12 What if we didn't grade? An Introduction to Ungrading

    Circle #12 What if we didn't grade? An Introduction to Ungrading

    Scotney D. Evans, Assoc. Professor, Education & Psychological Studies

    Grading is so ingrained in the educational systems that we hardly ever critically consider why we use grades to evaluate the student learning experience. Without much critical examination, we simply accept that we have to grade, students accept they have to be graded, and students are made to feel like they should care a great deal about grades. But what would happen if we didn't grade? What would be the benefits and risks? This session will challenge assumptions behind traditional grading practices and explore the concept and practice of Ungrading. Together we'll imagine possibilities for foregoing grades on individual assignments and learn different approaches to giving feedback and supporting learning.

  • Circle #13 Leveraging Technology for Spaced Repetition Learning

    Circle #13 Leveraging Technology for Spaced Repetition Learning

    Lokesh Ramamoorthi, Lecturer and Asst. Director of Bachelors in Innovation, Technology and Design Program, Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Spaced repetition is an evidence-based learning technique. The technique is used in apps like Duolingo, Babbel, Memrise, or Anki — you will have used it before. The basic premise is that items (flashcards, questions, lessons) are reviewed at increasing intervals — until the knowledge is fully embedded into a learner’s long-term memory. The session is about how can we leverage technology and tools to help our students learn concepts using these tools.
