Mentorship Communities/Programs

a stock photo of a woman starting at her tablet device on a white table. The tablet shows  six different people on a videoconference call on the screen. Next to the tablet is a keyboard, black phone, pen, and mouse. The lady is wearing a yellow shirt and round glasses. a stock photo of a woman starting at her tablet device on a white table. The tablet shows  six different people on a videoconference call on the screen. Next to the tablet is a keyboard, black phone, pen, and mouse. The lady is wearing a yellow shirt and round glasses.
Course Mentors is a peer-based program that is intended to be an interdisciplinary community of faculty who support one another in improving their teaching.

Connect with experienced mentors through our mentorship programs to support your professional development. These programs pair you with seasoned educators who offer valuable insights, advice, and support as you navigate your teaching career. Our mentors can help you develop effective teaching strategies, balance your professional responsibilities, and achieve your career goals. Join our mentorship community to benefit from the wisdom and experience of those who have successfully walked the path before you. 


Course Mentors Overview

Course Mentors is a peer-based program that is intended to be a collegial, interdisciplinary community of faculty who support one another in improving their teaching through sharing ideas, experiences, and practices. 



Please apply here.

Please submit your application by September 6, 2024. 

If you have any questions about the Course Mentors program, please feel free to contact


How does it work?

The program combines small groups that include:

  • Faculty participants
  • A faculty leader who has demonstrated excellence and innovation in the classroom related to the theme/topic of the group
  • Instructional designer (for some groups)

Over the course of a semester, a Course Mentors group will meet to discuss their courses, identify common challenges, review educational literature, propose new activities or modes of interaction, and discuss plans to implement those changes. The faculty lead will focus on customized teaching support including sharing practices, peer consultation and feedback, and optional course observation. 

Course Mentors groups typically meet 4-5 times throughout the semester and have no more than 10 participants in a group. Meeting dates are based on the overall availability of the group.

Course Mentor Themes/Topics

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  • Boosting Active Learning through Flipped Techniques

     Boosting Active Learning through Flipped Techniques

    This cohort will focus on topics such as an explanation of the "Flipped learning" concept, how to introduce study concepts before the class, implementing innovative practices during class, creating assessments during and after the class, and using educational technology to enhance student learning.

    Faculty Lead

    Yunqiu Wang


  • Facilitating Difficult Classroom Conversations

    Facilitating Difficult Classroom Conversations

    This cohort will focus on topics such as creating a safe space for discussion, introducing controversial topics for dialogue and debate, managing student-student conflict, and supporting students in need.

    Faculty Leads 

    Miriam Lipsky and Kim McGrath Moreira 

  • Rethinking your Assessment Strategy through Ungrading

    Rethinking your Assessment Strategy through Ungrading

    This cohort will focus on challenging assumptions behind traditional grading practices, de-centering grades in the classroom, providing detailed feedback and/or opportunities for revisions, and learning different approaches to support learning.

    Faculty Lead

    Melissa Burley

  • Exploring the Processes and Factors that affect Intrinsic Motivation

    Exploring the Processes and Factors that Affect Intrinsic Motivation

    This cohort will focus on mini topics for exploring the concept of intrinsic motivation, such as, (a) the effects of external factors on intrinsic motivation, (b) interpersonal and intrapersonal processes affecting intrinsic motivation, and (c) satisfaction of autonomy, relatedness, and competence for affecting intrinsic motivation. We will discuss implications for practice in college education and in student and faculty well-being. 

    Faculty Lead

    Maria Kolovou

Give Us Feedback!

Interested in becoming a Faculty Lead? Or, would like to suggest new group themes/topics? We would love to hear from you! Contact us at


