Teaching Strategies

Explore a variety of effective teaching strategies to enhance your classroom experience. This section includes resources on Active Learning Techniques, Collaborative Learning, and Inclusive Teaching Practices. Learn how to engage students actively, promote teamwork, and create an inclusive environment that respects and values diversity.

Active Learning Techniques 

  • TEAL classrooms - Active Learning Classrooms (ALC) provide a strategic layout equipped with tools and technology and flexible seating to foster collaboration, problem-solving, and learner-centered instruction. These unique spaces maximize evidence-based active learning strategies across disciplines to increase engagement and achievement for all students.
  • Dyadic Interviews: Pair students to interview each other and share insights with the class, fostering interpersonal connections and collaborative learning. (Video)
  • Fact or Opinion: Engage students in determining whether statements are factual or opinion-based, promoting critical thinking and discussion.    (Video)
  • Think-Pair-Share: Promote individual reflection and collaborative dialogue by having students think about a question, discuss with a partner, and share with the class.    (Video) 
  • 3-2-1: Students write about 3 things they learned, 2 things they found particularly interesting, and 1 question they still have.   (Video) 
  • Contemporary Issues Journal: Students analyze current events related to course material.   (Video) 
  • Quick Write: Students respond to an open-ended prompt to reflect on learning.    (Video) 
  • Active Reading Documents: Guide students through critical reading with structured documents.   (Video) 
  • Three-Minute Message: Students present a compelling argument in three minutes.   (Video) 
  • Digital Story: Students use digital tools to tell personal or academic stories relevant to course themes.   (Video) 
  • Self-Compassion in Teaching: Techniques for integrating self-compassion into teaching practices to maintain well-being and effectiveness.     
  • How People Learn: Insights into creating effective, learner-centered environments.       
  • Metacognition: Strategies for helping students develop self-awareness about their learning processes.    

Enhancing Classroom Engagement    

Preparing students before class is crucial for meaningful participation and deep learning. The K. Patricia Cross Academy offers a resource that provides practical strategies to help ensure students come to class prepared and ready to engage. This guide covers various techniques that instructors can implement to motivate students to complete pre-class assignments, actively participate in discussions, and take ownership of their learning. 

Key Highlights: 

  • Active Learning Strategies: Explore methods that encourage students to engage with the material before class, ensuring they arrive prepared to contribute meaningfully. 
  • Student Accountability: Learn how to create a classroom environment where students feel responsible for their own learning. 
  • Practical Tips: Get actionable advice on how to implement these strategies effectively in your own teaching practice. 

For more detailed information and to access the full set of strategies, visit the K. Patricia Cross Academy's resource


Collaborative Learning 

  • Triple Jump: A problem-solving exercise where students work individually, in pairs, and then as a group, enhancing critical thinking and collaborative skills.   (Video) 
  • Team Jeopardy: Game-based review activity that encourages teamwork and reinforces course content through a fun, competitive format.    (Video) 
  • Paper Seminar: Students present and discuss academic papers in groups, promoting deeper understanding and critical analysis.    (Video) 
  • Jigsaw: Divide content into sections, have groups become experts, and then teach it to their peers, fostering responsibility and mastery.     (Video) 
  • Group Grid: Collaborative activity where students fill in a grid based on group discussions, enhancing understanding through structured peer interaction.    (Video) 
  • Analytic Teams: Assign specific roles to team members during a lecture or video to enhance engagement and understanding.   (Video)  
  • Getting Feedback: Effective methods for collecting and using student feedback to improve teaching.  


Inclusive Teaching Practices 

  • Case Studies: Analyze real-world scenarios to apply theoretical concepts, encouraging problem-solving and critical thinking.  (Video) 
  • Role Play: Have students assume roles to explore different perspectives and enhance engagement.  (Video) 
