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Our Vision: The University of Miami will be distinctive for excellence in teaching among peer research institutions.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to develop, nurture, and recognize excellence in teaching while creating, testing, and disseminating innovative educational practices in higher education classrooms that facilitate optimal learning among diverse students who leave UM prepared for a global, technological, multicultural future.


The Platform for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (PETAL) at the University of Miami is a cornerstone for institutional excellence in teaching and educational development. It is a dynamic hub that nurtures pedagogical innovation, fosters a culture of continuous improvement, convenes thought leadership to advance the knowledge base for excellence, and celebrates exceptional teaching practices.PETAL provides a comprehensive suite of programs and initiatives to support faculty in their teaching and learning goals. These include workshops on relevant topics, personalized consultations, mentorship from experienced educators, faculty learning communities for collaborative enhancement of teaching and learning, faculty reading groups for pedagogical literature discussion, a faculty showcase for sharing innovative teaching strategies, orientation programs for new faculty, a speaker series featuring thought leaders in education, and a platform for open discussion and dialogue on various teaching and learning topics, known as UDialogue.PETAL offers a comprehensive set of resources aimed at improving teaching and learning. As you explore the site, you will find innovative tools and techniques that promote active learning and foster student involvement. PETAL also provides advice on handling challenging classroom discussions, thereby promoting a secure and inclusive educational atmosphere. The exploration of AI tools’ potential applications in teaching is another feature, paving the way for more effective instructional methods.


PETAL is excited to offer a series of workshops designed to enhance teaching and learning at our university.The AI Teaching Exchange, is a forum for faculty across all disciplines and experience levels. This workshop provides an opportunity to share and discuss innovative ways to use AI tools to enhance teaching and learning. The session begins with a short presentation by instructional designers and faculty experts on best practices and resources for using AI in teaching, including Adobe Firefly and Microsoft Copilot. Following the presentation, participants can experiment with these AI tools and engage in informal discussions over refreshments.In addition, to further the objectives of the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), the University has identified three innovative teaching methods that foster interactive and engaging learning environments. These include the Harkness Method, which emphasizes active learning and critical thinking; Flipped Learning, which reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content outside of the classroom; and Problem-based Learning (PBL), a student-centered pedagogy that involves learning about a subject through the experience of problem-solving. Each year, a cohort of faculty undergoes training in one of these methods and redesigns a course to integrate elements of the chosen method, thereby enriching the student learning experience. [Add the link for current year’s application]These workshops are a great opportunity to brainstorm, connect, and build supportive relationships with fellow faculty members while enriching the student learning experience.


PETAL recognizes and celebrates excellence in teaching through the Provost Teaching Awards. These awards honor faculty members who have demonstrated exceptional teaching skills. In addition, the Faculty Senate Awards acknowledge faculty who have made outstanding contributions in teaching, service, and scholarly work. Furthermore, PETAL, in collaboration with the Laboratory for Integrative Knowledge (U-LINK), offers teaching grants to support innovative teaching initiatives. These awards and grants not only recognize excellence but also inspire continuous improvement and innovation in teaching.In summary, PETAL is committed to fostering a culture of excellence and innovation in teaching and learning at the University of Miami, providing a comprehensive suite of resources and programs to support faculty in their teaching and learning goals.

Educational Innovation and Advancement

The Platform for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (PETAL) strives to facilitate a centering of institutional excellence in teaching and educational development and innovation through four foci; 1) An academy for faculty to learn and practice pedagogical innovation, 2) An organizing unit that incubates, develops, evaluates, empirically examines and disseminates innovative approaches to teaching and learning across UM's multiple campuses, 3) A convener of thought leadership for teaching in higher education to advance the knowledge base for excellence and guide the implementation of teaching and learning initiatives at UM, and 4) A site for recognition of excellence in teaching at UM.

Our History

Educational excellence is one of the pillars of the University of Miami's Roadmap to Our New Century, our strategic plan. Emerging from these plans, the Platform for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (PETAL) was formed in 2019 with the goal of elevating teaching practice across the university, providing faculty development programs, resources, and incentives to support teaching. Dr. Laura Kohn-Wood, Dean of the School of Education and Human Development, and Dr. Allan Gyorke, Assistant Provost for Educational Innovation, were appointed as co-leads for PETAL. In addition, a group of faculty, staff, and administrators from across the university were identified to help shape the newly formed organization.

This coalition of educators designed and implemented a workshop series and the Course Mentors program. Course Mentor groups are composed of five to six faculty who meet several times over the course of a semester to discuss a particular pedagogical challenge or topic. Each Course Mentors group is led by a faculty member with expertise in the group’s chosen topic, as well as an instructional designer. These groups have explored areas of interest such as difficult conversations, engaging with the literature, online teaching, teaching large courses, ungrading, flipped learning, and assessment techniques. In spring 2021, the PETAL Speaker Series was initiated to bring in external experts who discussed convergent teaching and integrating social justice discussions into courses. Also in spring 2021, the Provost's Teaching Awards were launched to recognize excellence in experiential teaching, innovation, and mentorship. PETAL staff lead the faculty learning communities for the university’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) on Dialogue and Discussion Based Teaching. In 2023, PETAL launched a new initiative for Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and offers faculty learning communities for faculty who are interested in implementing COIL practices in their courses. Currently, PETAL faculty are engaged in educational research, exploring alternative approaches to teacher evaluations, and examining factors that influence student retention and success.




